Dear Stardock Object Desktop staff:
Now that the Windows 10 OS has finally settled in as the primary version going forward for a while, and you've finally gotten to updating WindowBlinds, and given us a few Win10-targeted customizers, I'm wondering if we might start to see some updates to some of the other classic OD apps, or new customization apps that perform some of their functions, such as:
- Using Icon packagfes?
- DesktopX widgets and ObjectBar bars?
- An updated Soundpackager?
- A revamped, updated ObjectDock?
- etc...
I ask because I miss some of these wonderful apps that worked so well for so long across 95, 98, ME, XP, Win 7... you guys kept up for what seemed like forever, and I think we all got used to your being just always so on top of each new windows release... but you've been understandably gunshy to update some with the last couple releases, waiting until they're well and truly established before tackling them, and then not doing all of them... Now that Win 10 is supposed to be the platform going forward with everything being done as a set of evolutionary updates to this OS rather than complete revisions, will we finally see the bold OS customizations of the glory days?
- your avid fan,
- Drake Steele.
P.S.: Some of these, like IconPackager and SoundPackager, still work in 10 with minimal futzing if you fudge the windows version to the installer and make one or two tweaks. So honestly, some would take very minimal work to get up to date to at least be functional with win10 again. Can we get some of them fixed up? Pretty please? - Drake.