Stuff I make cause I like to make stuff. LOL
Published on January 8, 2016 By drakesteele In Object Desktop

Dear Stardock Object Desktop staff:

Now that the Windows 10 OS has finally settled in as the primary version going forward for a while, and you've finally gotten to updating WindowBlinds, and given us a few Win10-targeted customizers, I'm wondering if we might start to see some updates to some of the other classic OD apps, or new customization apps that perform some of their functions, such as:


  • Using Icon packagfes?
  • DesktopX widgets and ObjectBar bars?
  • An updated Soundpackager?
  • A revamped, updated ObjectDock?
  • etc...


I ask because I miss some of these wonderful apps that worked so well for so long across 95, 98, ME, XP, Win 7... you guys kept up for what seemed like forever, and I think we all got used to your being just always so on top of each new windows release... but you've been understandably gunshy to update some with the last couple releases, waiting until they're well and truly established before tackling them, and then not doing all of them... Now that Win 10 is supposed to be the platform going forward with everything being done as a set of evolutionary updates to this OS rather than complete revisions, will we finally see the bold OS customizations of the glory days?

- your avid fan,


- Drake Steele.

P.S.: Some of these, like IconPackager and SoundPackager, still work in 10 with minimal futzing if you fudge the windows version to the installer and make one or two tweaks. So honestly, some would take very minimal work to get up to date to at least be functional with win10 again.  Can we get some of them fixed up? Pretty please? - Drake.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 14, 2016

Last night a friend said something to me that I think sums it up exactly:

"Before, everything was ugly and gray. Gray windows, gray buttons, etc... But now, eye candy is everywhere!'

And that's the thing we 'old timer's' have a hard time realizing because the change has been so gradual: in those days, basically nobody in the world of Windows cared about aesthetics. We were mostly techies, applications had to be functional, and nobody cared how they looked!

Take the original WinAmp skin, for instance: how ugly was that compared to what came after?

Anyway, all this changed with Apple and Steve Jobs. The guy had 'taste', unlike Bill Gates. That's why skinning had it's hugest boom with Mac OSX and the will to make Windows look more like Mac OSX.

Then Vista/7 came and two things happened: Vista/7 had tons of eye candy, which in turn prompted the visual quality in most apps to rise as well. Suddenly eye candy is everywhere, as my friend said - and since things are no longer butt ugly, the need to skin everything and its dog all but disappeared.

Even Windows 10, which we like to think of as butt ugly, is an order of magnitude better than XP in the looks department.

on Jan 14, 2016


I agree Andy. I know that even before I started skinning using Stardock products, a friend told me about it. But I never saw a single advertisement anywhere on the Internet, TV, tech magazines, etc. for any of their products, which I really found weird.
How do you sell something if no one knows about it? Advertising is the key element for sure.
We are def. in agreement here Tom 

on Jan 14, 2016

Thinking about creating a "You tube Ad" myself in Adobe After effects for Windowblinds 10 with some nasty beats and stylish/polished screenshot anims etc... -Why not hey ?

on Jan 14, 2016


Thinking about creating a "You tube Ad" myself in Adobe After effects for Windowblinds 10 with some nasty beats and stylish/polished screenshot anims etc... -Why not hey ?

It'd need to be approved/endorsed by Stardock....

on Jan 14, 2016

Neil Banfield

Please do not override the OS detection for IconPackager.

Once installed it will trash your icons on uninstall.  There is a very good reason it is blocked from working on Windows 10!

Neil, I am running IconPackager 4 with Windows 10 64 bit.  It's not totally perfect so I have to apply the packages twice sometimes.  Version 5 would not work at all but version 4 is cruising along beautifully. 

on Jan 14, 2016

It'd need to be approved/endorsed by Stardock....
Lol, yeah Paul, guess you better moderate it when it's done then

on Jan 15, 2016


Quoting Neil Banfield,

Please do not override the OS detection for IconPackager.

Once installed it will trash your icons on uninstall.  There is a very good reason it is blocked from working on Windows 10!

Neil, I am running IconPackager 4 with Windows 10 64 bit.  It's not totally perfect so I have to apply the packages twice sometimes.  Version 5 would not work at all but version 4 is cruising along beautifully. 

Again do not uninstall it or it may well break your OS!

on Jan 15, 2016

I'd pay attention to that guy =>  Neil

on Mar 10, 2016

I've been involved in skinning for a while.  I was fortunate enough to contribute some skins back in the day.  Yes, the GUI has changed since XP, but no matter what MS does, I will always use Winstep Extreme, WindowBlinds and Icon Packager (I hope and pray.)  I like to make my computer experience comfortable to use and to be able to change it to something completely different as the mood strikes. 

I certainly hope that Brad, Neil and company do decide to put out a new version of IP.  I miss it.

I also miss creating skins, but don't have as much time as I used to.  Hopefully, the Theme Builder Jorge is working on, can get me back in the game.  There are so many WB's begging for Winstep themes

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