Stuff I make cause I like to make stuff. LOL
Can't find anything - or even browse - various skins on the site...
Published on April 16, 2016 By drakesteele In WinCustomize Talk

I attempt to surf the site, and no matter what filters are or are not activated, what section I go to, or what date range I choose, it tells me nothing matches my search.

This makes it extremely hard to find and download skins.  I had even considered getting a premium skin for my windowblinds so I'd have a great working dark theme that's fully Win10 ready.... but I can't.

Any fix in sight?

- Drake.

on Apr 16, 2016

It does appear nothing is working as far as all The Explore categories. Windowblinds, Wallpaper, etc. and etc.

Was working not to long ago. May be maintenance or Stardock doesn't know about it yet. Hang in there usually it's fixed pretty quickly.


on Apr 16, 2016

looks like Wincustomize is still broken. Sad face.

on Apr 16, 2016

How long has it been down?

on Apr 16, 2016

Guess we will have to wait til Monday when everyone is back, huh?

on Apr 16, 2016

We (moderators) are attempting to contact Stardock personnel to see if this can be resolved.

on Apr 16, 2016
